What Will Happen at my STI Appointment?
Being tested for STIs/STDs is an important and healthy practice for anyone who is sexually active. First Care provides confidential, quality testing and treatment. You may be wondering what will happen at my STI appointment.
Here is What You Can Expect:
- Based on your sexual practices and health history, a nurse will determine appropriate testing.
- A nurse will answer questions you have about STIs and provide you with materials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- A medical professional will oversee sample collection for testing, which may include a urine sample, blood draw, and swabs of throat, vagina, and/or rectum, as indicated.
- Results will be provided by phone or in-office visits. Results are typically available within 3 business days.
- Treatment will be provided depending on test results. Some treatments are available immediately by one of our nurses or physicians. You will receive a prescription or referral if for some reason we are unable to provide treatment.
The law requires all STI testing clinics report certain STIs to the Minnesota Department of Health. Your information and test results will be kept confidential, other than what we are required to report by law. We will never report your results to your school or place of work.
Schedule an Appointment
First Care provides free and comprehensive testing and treatment for all STIs. Schedule an STI appointment online today.
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