All of our services are provided at no cost. We don’t take any insurance, because it’s free!
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Appointments are recommended. However, we accept walk-in pregnancy tests at all of our locations.
- Please bring a photo ID with you.
- Unless otherwise specified, plan to be here for 1 hour.
- If you’re coming for an ultrasound, please drink 32 ounces of water 1 hour before you come.
- All services are free and confidential, even if you’re a minor.
The only thing needed to bring to your appointment is a photo ID.
No, all of our services are free and no insurance is needed.
At First Care we have a strict policy on confidentiality, so your information will be kept private. If you would like for us to release information to anyone outside of First Care, we need written consent from you first. It should be noted that we do have to report certain situations where someone’s safety is at risk.
Because all of our services are free, we do not need to see any insurance information and we will not release any information to your insurance company.
STI Testing & Treatment
It is important to know your body and be able to recognize any changes happening to your body. It’s also important to understand that not all STIs have symptoms. The following are the most common symptoms and may indicate an STI:
- foul or fishy odor
- pain or burning during intercourse and/or urination
- Unusual vaginal or penile discharge
- Itching and/or irritation in areas where sexual contact has occurred
- Rash, redness, sores, or warts in areas where sexual contact has occurred
Patients should be tested for STIs if they are sexually active with a person in which they are not in a mutually monogamous relationship where both parties have tested negative for all STIs. At First Care, we provide free full-panel testing every 6 months for patients.
If you test positive for an STI, First Care is a great place to process the diagnosis. Some STIs are bacterial meaning they are treated with antibiotics, and then it goes away. Others are viral meaning that once the diagnosis has been made, there is no treatment for the virus. First Care can walk anyone through a positive diagnosis, and provide support, treatment, and referral process to another organization if needed.
The following tests are available at First Care:
HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes, Trichomoniasis, HPV, Bacterial Vaginosis, Yeast, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C testing is available for female clients. Female clients will be offered a pelvic exam/pap test appointment with a provider, as available. HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C testing is available for male clients. Tests are performed via urine, swabs, and a blood draw depending on the test.
It is possible to become pregnant even if you are using some form of birth control when you are sexually active. The most common symptom is a missed period. If you are sexually active and have a missed your period, please schedule a lab-quality pregnancy test at any of our locations.
At First Care, our lab quality urine pregnancy tests are over 99% accurate if you are 7-10 days from the date of conception or 1 day following your missed period. We recommend urine pregnancy testing within this time frame.
Yes, false negative pregnancy tests are very possible if a patient takes a urine test too early. At First Care, our lab quality urine pregnancy tests are over 99% accurate if you are 7-10 days from the date of conception or 1 day following your missed period. We recommend urine pregnancy testing within this time frame.
Any client that has received a free positive pregnancy test may call to schedule an ultrasound at any one of our locations. The ultrasound will help determine:
- Gestational age (how far along you are)
- Viability (pregnancy is in the uterus and a fetal heartbeat is detected)
If our licensed medical team see anything that’s of concern during your ultrasound, they will instruct you to seek appropriate medical attention. Additionally, all of our ultrasounds are also reviewed by our Center’s Medical Director.
No, ultrasound utilizes high frequency sound waves, and there are no known harmful effects in the 40 years of clinical use. The possibility always exists that effects may be identified in the future.
Additional FAQs
First Care has five locations in Minneapolis, Richfield, Rochester, and St. Paul. Hours and services vary by location. STI testing and treatment is offered at three of our locations- Minneapolis, Richfield, and Rochester. All other services are offered at every location. View the location page for hours of operation.
At First Care we are a life affirming agency and we hold to the truth that all life is valuable and has worth, therefore we do not provide or refer for abortions. However, we do provide medically accurate information and a non-judgemental space for you to process your decision without pressure.
In addition, we run a post-abortion healing program called Conquerors. Through that program, working with women for more than 45 years, we have seen the long term impacts (physical, emotional, spiritual) of abortion on women. While abortion often feels like the only option, we don’t believe it’s in the best interest of women.
There are different types of abortion procedures and like all medical procedures, they each have potential risks. Some of the risks include pelvic infection, incomplete abortion, blood clots, uterine perforation, and cervical tear. Schedule an appointment today to meet with a trained staff member and discuss the risks and procedures of an abortion.
The decision to place a child for adoption is a difficult one and will involve unselfish sacrifice. However, choosing adoption can be a very loving and mature decision. Through meeting with an Expectant Parent Social Worker, you will have the opportunity to talk through your emotions and thoughts on adoption, your fears or concerns about what to expect when making an adoption plan and how to take care of yourself through the process. You can make many of the decisions about how you want the plan to go, all of which can help you through this process. You may also choose to talk with other birth moms who have made this decision as well.
You can change your mind about placing your child until your signed consents to the adoption become final. In Minnesota, consents are signed between 72 hours and 60 days after birth. Once signed, there is a 10 business day period until the consent is final.
Open adoption is a very broad term, and can include many variables. At New Life Adoptions, we use the term open adoption to mean that you have the opportunity to choose a prospective adoptive family, meet with that family before and after the birth of your child, and maintain contact with the child and the adoptive family throughout your lifetime. Each open adoption is unique, and how you ultimately decide to stay in touch is up to you. At New Life Adoptions, your Expectant Parent Social Worker can assist you in deciding what level of openness is right for you.
Yes! We will talk with you about your preferences for an adoptive family and will help you through the process of selecting a family that is right for you and your child.
As a licensed adoption agency, we have many families who are ready to adopt. We help you through the process of selecting on a family that is right for you and your child. Or if you know a family already, we can work with them in most cases.
Yes! You and the family you choose will create an openness plan together that defines the amount of contact you will have with each other. Openness in adoption may include texts, letters, pictures and visits.
In Minnesota, a birth father does not legally need to be involved unless he is married to the birth mother or has earned the right to notice of the adoption. We will talk through your unique situation and can meet with both of you together or separately, depending on your preference. We will assist you with the legal steps to complete a secure adoption.
Many women come to us because they are unsure of what to do. Our professional staff are available to help you think through all possible options. This is your decision, but you are not alone. We will listen and offer resources so you think through all the necessary steps to make an informed confident decision.