3 Things to Know If You Are Considering Mail-Order Abortion
Every woman handles unexpected pregnancy differently. While one might take her time and process her emotions, another might begin searching for options right after a positive pregnancy test. Regardless of how you’re feeling or handling the news, know we can help you.
Some women look to mail-order abortion pills as a quick way to terminate a pregnancy, but this comes with risks. Keep reading to learn the three things you should know if you’re considering mail-order abortion.
Mail-order abortion might not be an option for you
If you live in a state with certain abortion restrictions, mail-order abortion could be illegal and unavailable for you. Thirty-two states require licensed physicians to administer medical abortion (the abortion pill), and nineteen states require the clinician to be physically present when administering the drugs. Those nineteen states do not allow telemedicine for the abortion pill.
Trying to bypass state laws and purchasing the abortion pill online can be dangerous, as not every seller online is legitimate or selling what they claim to sell. Reputable providers and health systems will follow the laws for the states they operate in.
You might not need an abortion
There are a few conditions that can only be determined by an ultrasound. If doing a mail-order abortion without an ultrasound, you could pay money for an unnecessary procedure, only to later find out you need to do something else.
According to Mayo Clinic, about 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. This means, even if your pregnancy test was positive, your pregnancy might not be viable or progressing. If this is the case, you could miscarry on your own, or you might need to seek medical attention.
Ectopic Pregnancy
The abortion pill will not terminate a pregnancy outside the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies are pregnancies that have implanted outside the uterus, typically in a fallopian tube. These can be dangerous to your health and should be identified and treated by a medical professional as soon as possible.
You’re Too Far Along
The FDA has only approved the use of the abortion pill up to 70 days or less since the first day of your last menstrual cycle. If you’re considering mail-order abortion, and haven’t had an ultrasound, you could be farther along than you realize.
You should get tested for STDs before mail-order abortion
The presence of a sexually transmitted disease during an abortion procedure raises the risk of developing Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) because it can spread the infection from the vagina or cervix further into the uterus. You’ll want to make sure you have STD testing performed prior to any abortion procedures.
Be Safe and Confident
You owe it to yourself to take the proper safety precautions and think through this life-changing decision before buying mail-order abortion pills. Schedule your free and confidential appointment at First Care Pregnancy Center. We’ll provide free pregnancy testing, an ultrasound, STD testing, and a safe environment to talk through your next steps.
Learn MoreCan You Buy the Abortion Pill Online?
When we are faced with life’s most difficult challenges, we typically respond with emotion and action. We feel burdened and fearful about the challenge, but we also look for ways to overcome our challenges.
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, it is likely that you are feeling fear about the future. That feeling of fear is normal. Our team exists to offer services that calm your fears. We are always here for you.
In the 21st century, it seems as if everything can be delivered to our doorstep in a short amount of time. As you face this unplanned pregnancy, you may be wondering if the abortion pill can be ordered online, and delivered to your home.
Surprisingly, buying the abortion pill online is more complicated and riskier than you may think. It comes with significant warnings from medical professionals and is something we do not suggest due to the health risks. It’s incredibly important to know the facts.
What is the abortion pill?
The abortion pill is often thought of being a one-time pill consumption, but this is not the case. The abortion pill as actually two pills, composed of two different drugs that complete the medication abortion. Medication abortion is available through the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Mifepristone, the first drug, blocks progesterone, a hormone that causes the lining of the uterus to thin. Thinning prevents the embryo from remaining implanted and growing.
Misoprostol is the second abortion drug given in a medication abortion. Misoprostol causes the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy through the vagina.
The first abortion drug is typically taken at a doctor’s office and the second at home 24-48 hours later. A follow-up appointment with a doctor is necessary, a week later, to ensure the abortion is complete (FDA).
Is it safe the buy the abortion pill online?
FDA Regulations
The Food and Drug Administration(FDA) has abortion pill regulations to protect the health of all women who are considering abortion. The FDA warns about buying the abortion pill online because it bypasses multiple safeguards created to protect you.
One of the primary concerns related to ordering the abortion pill online is the reality that the drugs do not have a specified origin or creator. When consuming any drug, it is important to only trust manufacturers and providers that are transparent about ingredients and processes. It is also vital to only trust providers that are transparent about side effects, and many online abortion providers fail to be transparent.
The dosage could also be less or more than the standard abortion pill approved by the FDA. This could be deadly and/or cause an incomplete abortion. Many of the online abortion pill providers are overseas and do not follow FDA guidelines.
When you purchase the abortion pill online, you aren’t able to receive consultation or oversight from a doctor. Due to alarming side effects, a qualified doctor should prescribe these pills.
What should I know about the abortion pill before buying it online?
Risks & side effects of the abortion pill
Potential risks of medication abortion include:
- Incomplete abortion, which may need to be followed by surgical abortion
- An ongoing unwanted pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work
- Heavy and prolonged bleeding
- Infection
- Fever
- Digestive system discomfort
- Allergic reaction to the medication
Potential side effects of medication abortion include:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Fever
- Chills
- Diarrhea
- Headache
Ultrasound will provide needed information about your pregnancy
Additionally, it is best medical practice to receive an ultrasound before making a pregnancy decision. An ultrasound reveals where your pregnancy is located, if it is a viable pregnancy, and how far along you are.
The results of the ultrasound will also bring to your attention any potential health concerns, such as an ectopic or tubal pregnancy.
The staff at First Care Pregnancy Center promises to treat you with kindness, respect, and genuine care.
Schedule a no-cost, confidential pregnancy test with an ultrasound at First Care. Our medical staff is here to serve you with the information and services you need to make an educated pregnancy choice. Talk to us today to schedule an appointment.
Learn MoreWill Insurance Cover The Abortion Cost?
Before panicking over the abortion cost, let’s look at what your options are. Just the thought of your girlfriend saying, “I think I’m pregnant” causes panic. Pregnant? It’s impossible to even imagine, but if you recently had unprotected (or maybe even protected) sex and her period is late, she could be pregnant.
Free Pregnancy Testing
You need to know a lot more than a positive result on a pregnancy test. Did she take the test correctly? Was it taken at the right time?
Start out with free lab-quality pregnancy testing at First Care Pregnancy Center. Our tests are 99% accurate and will verify the result of her at-home test.
Free Ultrasounds
A verified positive result on a pregnancy test is just the beginning whether you’re considering abortion or parenting. For either option, she needs to know how far along her pregnancy is.
Plus, there’s the possibility she’s already miscarried. The Mayo Clinic says up to 20% of known pregnancies end in a natural miscarriage. She could be getting positive results on pregnancy tests and no longer be pregnant. You need to find out if the pregnancy is viable (growing).
It’s also important to find out where the pregnancy is located. Although rare, sometimes pregnancy can form outside of the uterus which is extremely dangerous.
Abortion in Minnesota
In Minnesota, a patient must receive state-directed abortion counseling and then wait 24 hours before the procedure is provided. The parents of a minor must be notified before an abortion is provided, and the abortion can only be performed at or after viability if the patient’s life or health is endangered.
Abortion cost in Minnesota
The following are average costs and not necessarily particular to any one clinic.
Medication Abortion (11 weeks or less) $700
In-Clinic Suction Abortion (12-13 weeks) $745
In-Clinic Suction Abortion (14 weeks) $845
In-Clinic Suction Abortion (15 weeks) $945
Paying for the abortion
Insurance policies only cover the abortion cost for you or another person who is legally married to you or a dependent child. Insurance rules change from state to state and from insurance company to company.
Some insurance companies may cover the cost of an abortion. She can contact her insurance provider to verify coverage. She also needs to take her insurance information with her at the time of her appointment.
You have options
Abortion isn’t the only answer. When you come to First Care Pregnancy Center for her pregnancy testing and ultrasound, ask to speak with an options consultant. Walk into any one of our four locations or book your appointment online.
The fact that you are hoping to help her during this time is a great beginning. She will be glad to have you by her side. Let us help you, contact us today.
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