What Will Happen at my STI Appointment?
Being tested for STIs/STDs is an important and healthy practice for anyone who is sexually active. First Care provides confidential, quality testing and treatment. You may be wondering what will happen at my STI appointment.
Here is What You Can Expect:
- Based on your sexual practices and health history, a nurse will determine appropriate testing.
- A nurse will answer questions you have about STIs and provide you with materials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- A medical professional will oversee sample collection for testing, which may include a urine sample, blood draw, and swabs of throat, vagina, and/or rectum, as indicated.
- Results will be provided by phone or in-office visits. Results are typically available within 3 business days.
- Treatment will be provided depending on test results. Some treatments are available immediately by one of our nurses or physicians. You will receive a prescription or referral if for some reason we are unable to provide treatment.
The law requires all STI testing clinics report certain STIs to the Minnesota Department of Health. Your information and test results will be kept confidential, other than what we are required to report by law. We will never report your results to your school or place of work.
Schedule an Appointment
First Care provides free and comprehensive testing and treatment for all STIs. Schedule an STI appointment online today.
Men: You Have a Choice too
First Care is here for both you and your partner. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you will have some big decisions to make.
Your Voice Matters
It is important to communicate your thoughts to your partner and have a discussion about what each of you thinks is best. You are part of this pregnancy and what you think, feel and want matters. In fact, your opinion may be the most influential to your partner.
While you may think the best thing you can do is tell your partner that you will “support her no matter what”, that actually can communicate the opposite -that it is all her responsibility and her “problem” to figure out. Offer to go with your partner to the pregnancy test and/or ultrasound and educate yourself on all of your options as a potential father.
The two of you have many decisions to make and the more you can make them together, the better. Regardless of the decision you and your partner make for the pregnancy, the choice will impact you.
Offering Support
Your support is one of the most valuable things you can offer the mother of your child. Having an unplanned pregnancy can be a tough and painful situation. But this is your opportunity to live up to your responsibility and see exactly what you are made of: courage!
While abortion may seem like a quick fix to an unexpected pregnancy, there are potential physical risks for your partner in addition to emotional and spiritual effects for both you and your partner. Learn about abortion procedures and talk openly with your partner about how this choice may impact you both. If you find yourself disagreeing with your partner regarding the pregnancy decision, we can provide a neutral place where you can talk through your thoughts and both receive support.
Whether you are considering abortion, adoption, or parenting, at First Care we can support you in your role as a father and discuss the impact each option will have on your life. Bring your thoughts, questions, and concerns and schedule an appointment for you and your partner to meet with one of our staff.
Your Pregnancy Part 1: The First Trimester
Regardless if you are pregnant with your first baby or you already have multiple little ones at home, most women have questions about what to expect in the months following a positive pregnancy test. This three-part series will cover expected changes during each trimester of pregnancy, whether differences you notice in your body or the growth and development of your growing baby. Let’s jump in with the first trimester!
Signs and Symptoms
The first trimester of pregnancy begins with the date of your last menstrual period and lasts until the end of the 13th week of pregnancy. By the time you first notice a missed period, you may already start experiencing signs and symptoms of pregnancy like nausea, breast tenderness, mood changes, fatigue, and frequent urination.
Every woman’s experience surrounding symptoms of pregnancy is different, and these symptoms can even vary from pregnancy to pregnancy. These symptoms are caused by changing levels of hormones, and they generally improve by the second semester.
Week by Week
During the first trimester, your baby is rapidly growing and developing. All human life begins as a single fertilized cell, and by the end of these thirteen weeks, your baby is about the same size as a peach! Here’s an overview of some developmental highlights during these exciting first few weeks:
9 Week Ultrasound
Week 2: Conception occurs! All of the genetic information is already present that will determine the baby’s sex, hair and eye color, height, and other physical features.
Week 3: The embryo implants in the lining of the mother’s uterus.
Week 4: This is about the time the mother will notice she has missed her period. A hormone called hCG is being produced, which is what causes a positive pregnancy test. Baby’s brain and spinal cord are forming, and the liver is already beginning to function.
Week 5-6: Baby’s heart starts beating! Arm and limb buds are well developed by the end of week six.
Week 8: Fingers and toes are present. Baby’s nose, mouth, and ears are forming. Nerves and muscles continue to develop. Taste buds are already forming on baby’s tongue.
Week 9: All essential external and internal structures and organs are present! Eyelids are beginning to form but are closed. Bones are starting to harden.
Week 10-11: Baby can move on purpose with the coordination of the developing muscles and nerves. Baby can yawn and suck.
Week 12-13: Nails start growing on fingers and toes. Baby can be seen stretching and moving arms and legs. Baby weighs about one ounce and is the size of a peach.
Looking Ahead
You have made it to the end of the first trimester! It’s incredible to think about how much your baby has already grown in this short amount of time, and there are still two trimesters to go! Part two of this series will cover fetal development taking place within the second trimester.
If you think you are pregnant, please schedule your appointment online or call us at 612-866-7643 to speak to one of our friendly staff to schedule your appointment. First Care also offers ongoing prenatal classes to educate and support you through your pregnancy. Join us for an upcoming pregnancy or birth class!
- Understanding Pregnancy: A Comprehensive Guide. (2012). InJoy Productions, Inc.
- London, M. L., Ladewig, P. W., Davidson, M. R., Ball, J. W., McGillis, R. C., & Cowen, K. J. (2017). Maternal & Child Nursing Care (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
- Dihle, V. L. & Beck, B. G. (2016). The First 9 Months. Focus on the Family.
Why should I come to First Care Pregnancy Center instead of doing a home test?
Taking a pregnancy test can be scary, so why do it alone?
At our First Care offices we use lab quality pregnancy tests that are 99% accurate. But finding out your result is only part of the process. All of the staff at First Care understand a potential pregnancy can bring up a lot of emotions. They are ready to listen to your fears and concerns while helping you identify next steps in making a decision for your pregnancy. Often our clients tell us how much they appreciated having a neutral third party person outside of their situation to talk with, someone who won’t judge or pressure.
Whether you are sure about your next steps or undecided, we will provide you with information on all your options and walk with you through the process of making a well informed decision.
The first step is often having an ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy is viable and determine how far along you are. Ultrasounds are offered for free at First Care Pregnancy Center with our medical staff who are not only experienced but sensitive to the many emotions you may be experiencing around your pregnancy.
Following an ultrasound, many women choose options counseling with one of our Client Advocates to look more closely at each option and begin making a plan for your pregnancy. This may be a single meeting or recurring meetings until you reach a point where you feel confident with your pregnancy decision.
So whether you’re excited about your potential pregnancy or terrified of that kind of life change, our door is open to you, judgement free and full of support for wherever you are at.
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