What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in High School?
You might have imagined Friday night football games, learning to drive, and attending prom during high school, but not pregnancy.
If you’re in high school and recently found out that you’re pregnant, we are here to support you. We know that this can be a shocking and stressful situation. Scheduling an appointment at First Care can be a great first step as you will have a safe space to discuss all your options with our licensed, compassionate staff members.
As you process, here are a few things to keep in mind if you are pregnant as a high schooler.
You Have Rights
You may wonder what continuing your high school classes and activities could look like.
Under Title IX, you receive protection from any discrimination based on pregnancy or parenting in educational programs or activities. Any school — public or private — that receives federal funds must comply.
This protection means you can continue with your school year and any programs you participate in. Here are a few things your school must do:
- Allow you to continue participating in classes and extracurricular activities
- Provide you with reasonable adjustments, such as a larger desk or more frequent trips to the restroom
- Excuse absences for pregnancy or childbirth for as long as a doctor says is necessary
- Allow you to return to the same academic and extracurricular status
- Protect you from harassment
2. Your Future Extends Beyond High School
While it’s incredibly overwhelming to face an unexpected pregnancy, especially in high school, it’s critical to think beyond your high school years.
Your decision will change your life. You must make a choice you feel comfortable having as part of your story.
If you’re concerned about what others might think of you or your reputation, remember that you may not see many of your classmates in a few years. They may move, attend different colleges, or start full-time jobs. Those you stay in touch with will be the ones you consider your closest friends.
Don’t let others or fear decide what is next for you. Make your next choices based on what you want for your future.
3. You Have Three Choices
You have three choices: parenting, abortion, and adoption. While your parents or partner may have opinions or try to pressure you, remember that the decision is ultimately yours.
We can provide you with accurate information on all three of these options and resources. You deserve to make an informed and empowered choice.
Visit First Care for Pregnancy Confirmation
If you’ve only had a positive pregnancy test, it’s time for a free ultrasound.
An ultrasound aims to confirm the viability of your pregnancy, get an accurate gestational age (based on fetal measurements), and look at the placement of the pregnancy. During this appointment, you will be supplied with important information regarding your health and pregnancy options. Schedule an appointment today!
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