How Will Having a Baby Affect Me and My Future?
Becoming a parent is a life-changing event. Not only does your care-free life seem to disappear, but now you have to keep another human alive. Although this all may sound scary, and to be honest, it can be, we don’t want you to walk alone in your journey. Having a baby will affect you and your future, but as many parents have shared with us, this does not have to be a bad thing.
So how will having a baby affect you and your future?
Babies cost a lot of money. Although there are a lot of factors that can contribute to how much or how little is spend on babies, like formula, child care and doctor’s visits, the estimated cost of raising a child for the first year of their life is around $10,000-$13,000. First Care Pregnancy Center provides numerous community resources and referrals to help lighten the financial burden of parenthood. In addition, through our Every Family parenting program, parents can receive diapers, wipes, clothing, and equipment for their children.
We have a lot of parents tell us that their social lives change once they have a child. No longer is it easy to just go out with friends or take a spontaneous weekend trip. Caring for a baby can definitely affect your social life, but sometimes this can be in a positive way. For many parents, their friend groups may shift to other moms that can support one another and they find more encouragement and life from these friendships! But don’t worry, the friends who are really invested in your life will be right there by your side as you become a new parent.
There are obvious physical changes that will happen to a woman’s body when she carries a baby and gives birth, but other physical things will happen too, like sleep deprivation and joy you’ve never felt before. A lot of new parents say that their lives forever changed the moment they held their baby for the first time, or even the moment they saw their little one on the ultrasound screen. To help prepare for birth and the first weeks as a parent, consider joining one of our prenatal, birth, or mothering classes.
Hormones can play an obvious role in the emotional aspect of becoming a parent. From immense joy, bringing you to tears at the drop of a hat, to feelings of disparity and hopelessness, these emotions can come and go sometimes all in the same day – and they are normal, to some degree. A large part of this is hormones, but also becoming a parent opens your eyes to a different angle of the world. Suddenly, a normal activity for you before you became pregnant feels like a death trap. If you died, what would happen to your child? Are you putting your child in danger? The emotions are real!
Schedule an Appointment
Although having a baby and becoming a parent can be life-changing, you do not have to walk that path alone. The professional staff at First Care are here to walk with you as you take the steps to become a successful parent. Through our parenting education program and support from our client care workers, we can address any needs and possible fears you may have about becoming a parent. We will help you make goals and work towards achieving these goals to make your dreams a reality. Because having a baby will affect your life, and your priorities may change a little, but you should still be able to dream of a future for yourself, and your new little one.
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